Value chain analysis applied to the scrap tire reverse logistics chain:An applied study of co-processing in the cement industry

SOUZA, Cristiane D. R. de; D’AGOSTO, Márcio de A.Value chain analysis applied to the scrap tire reverse logistics chain:An applied study of co-processing in the cement industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling,  v. 78, p. 15– 25, 2013.

The future of trucking technology in Brazil. Results of a technology forecasting model

MAIA, André Dulce Gonçalves; D’AGOSTO, Márcio de Almeida. The future of trucking technology in Brazil. Results of a technology forecasting model. Transportation Planning and Technology, 2013.

Sustentabilidade na última milha da distribuição postal em áreas urbanas mediante adoção de triciclos elétricos

Cintia Machado de Oliveira, Renata Albergaria de Mello Bandeira, George Vasconcelos Góes, Daniel Neves Schmitz Gonçalves e Marcio de Almeida D’Agosto