Guia para Inventário de Emissões - Gases de Efeito Estufa nas atividades logísticas
Esta publicação busca preencher uma lacuna de conhecimento relacionada aos conceitos, definições, metodologias, procedimentos e ferramentas de apoio a elaboração de inventários de emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) com enfoque nas atividades logísticas, em particular no transporte de carga. Também e apresentada uma relação das instituições e iniciativas nacionais e internacionais devotadas ao tema, que tem apresentado interesse crescente por instituição públicas e privadas.
Application Guide: A path to sustainable logistics
This Application Guide: A Path to Sustainable Logistics seeks to fill a gap noticed long ago, which is presenting effective cases of practical application in which the performance of one of the most important logistics activities, freight transport, is assessed not only from a costs and level of service perspective, which is the usual approach and is limited to the economic and financial aspects, but also from an environmental and, whenever possible, a social perspective.
Expanding the scope of assessing the performance of freight transport under a sustainability perspective has long ago stopped being desirable and has become mandatory. It represents society’s commitment to minimizing and/or eliminating the social and environmental impacts caused by economic activities and guaranteeing the survival of these activities in harmony with the environment.
The cases presented here summarize part of the last ten years of activities carried out by researchers of the Freight Transport Laboratory (LTC), reference in the training of professionals of different levels ranging from undergraduate courses to master’s and doctorate courses, culminating in post-doctoral courses. LTC is a laboratory linked to the Transport Engineering Program (PET) of the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a renowned education and research institution in Brazil and worldwide.
As shall be presented, the reports presented here successfully represent the collaboration between the academy and the private sectorand show that the challenge of considering sustainability in the assessment of logistics performance may be overcome with very good results, serving as an example to those that still intend to carry it out. Do not miss the opportunity of improving your knowledge on this topic!