Evaluating the potential of the use of biodiesel for power generation in Brazil. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews

D´AGOSTO, M. A. ; SILVA, M. A. V. ;  OLIVEIRA, C. M. ; FRANCA, LUÍZA SANTANA ; DA COSTA MARQUES, LUIZ GUILHERME ; SOARES MURTA, AURÉLIO LAMARE ; DE FREITAS, MARCOS AURELIO VASCONCELOS . Evaluating the potential of the use of biodiesel for power generation in Brazil. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews , v. 43, p. 807-817, 2015.


Evaluating the modal split of overland transportation of general cargo in Brazil using a market share model

GONÇALVES, Brunno S.; D’AGOSTO, Márcio de A.; LEAL Jr, Ilton C., SILVA, Francisco G. F. da. Evaluating the modal split of overland transportation of general cargo in Brazil using a market share model. Journal of Transport Literature, v. 8, n. 4, p. 60-81, 2014


Ethanol–electric propulsion as a sustainable technological alternative for urban buses in Brazil

SAMPAIO, Marcelo R.; ROSA Luiz Pinguelli, D’AGOSTO, Márcio de A. Ethanol–electric propulsion as a sustainable technological alternative for urban buses in Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 11, p 1514–1529, 2007.


Energy use and carbon dioxide emissions assessment in the lifecycle of passenger rail systems: the case of the Rio de Janeiro Metro

Carlos Eduardo Sanches de Andrade e Marcio de Almeida D'Agosto. Energy use and carbon dioxide emissions assessment in the lifecycle of passenger rail systems: the case of the Rio de Janeiro Metro. Journal of Cleaner Production, p. 1-11.


Electric vehicles in the last mile of urban freight transportation: A sustainability assessment of postal deliveries in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil

Renata Albergaria de Mello Bandeira, George Vasconcelos Goes, Daniel Neves Schmitz Gonçalves, Márcio de Almeida D'Agosto e Cíntia Machado de Oliveira


Elaboração de jogos de empresa para auxiliar na gestão operacional e ambiental de terminais de contêineres: O caso do jogo Tecon-Ambiental

Suellem Deodoro Silva1, Pítias Teodoro2, Luíza Santana França3 e Márcio de Almeida D’Agosto4
